Holy moley! I'm this far along????? When did that happen??!! Seriously. Time just seems like it is going so fast and I don't feel like I'm growing, but I really am... I mean she is. She's pretty much fully developed now and weighs just over 3 pounds and is 15 inches long. (According to baby sites) I have my moments where I'm so excited for her to just be here, then the exact opposite moments where I'm thinking... Oh shiz this is really happening! But hey, I'm sure that's pretty normal to be terrified and excited at the same time. It's so funny sometimes too because I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever... etc... been an emotional person, but I'll start thinking about her and about silly things like the things Daniel will be doing with her, and how much I'm going to love her, or even the things I'll take her to do and I'll just start to get all emotional and start to cry! It's so annoying to me because I don't do that stuff. It's funny though.
So I'm totally freaked out about the whole birth thing. My back has been hurting a lot more lately because of the weight of her making my back sway forward, and I'm thinking if I'm such a whimp about that... I'm never going to be able to make it through a freaking delivery! But somehow women do it all the time, which means I can too, dang it!
It's been pretty funny lately because more and more often people keep thinking it's important to tell me all about their pregnancies and kids. I'm not talking people I know... I don't mind that at all... I'm talking people I've never met, seen or will ever see again! I just think, why do you feel the need to waste my time when I'm obviously leaving and sit here telling me all about your experience and kids. I don't need to know about it. I don't have anything in common with you besides the fact that I'm having a baby. I don't care if you had a girl too. Your pregnancy is nothing like mine, I don't want to sit and compare them with someone I don't know. Especially if I'm already on my way out of somewhere. I may just be a bit irritated, because it is kind of funny. But seriously, it's kinda lame.
I suppose I should be happy about the fact that people don't just come up to me and rub my belly very often. I hear that one gets extremely old. Most people ask first, or just barely touch it for a second. It's not too bad. I'm dealing more with the stories than the touching. I don't know which would be more annoying to deal with.
So on a happier ending note... I'm down to about 9 weeks left (I really hope she comes a bit early)! We're getting her room more and more ready. That makes me feel so much less stressed because I feel like I'm getting more prepared. And we still have so much fun and love listening to her little heart beat. It's so cool.
Hey you should try this if people start telling you some crazy story.. I've tried it a few times and it works really well ha just kind of interrupt them and say, "Sorry, I'm trying to have my own really positive experience, and so I'm trying not to listen to negative things." And they shut right up. No joke. It doesn't help YOU at all to hear their horror stories. You are going to have a great personal experience and that doesn't include them in any way. Give it a try.